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    Note: TWR Equip is in early access. If you experience bugs or problems, please contact us so we can improve!

    The purpose of these lessons is to equip the developing leader with skills and understanding in order to successfully lead a small group. The focus is on building strong communication skills and positive relationships, accompanied by an attitude of l...
    The module examines a broad range of spiritual gifts mentioned in Scripture, and how believers can use these gifts in serving God and His people. Participants will be given guidance in how to identify the spiritual gifts they and others around them p...
    This series of lessons examines what the Bible teaches concerning the purpose of the Church and how it came into being. The Church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, has been instructed to spread the Gospel around the world and to serve in its local comm...
    This series of lessons looks at Spiritual Leadership in the home as it pertains to building a healthy Christian family. It begins with a framework for understanding the Biblical basis for family and moves on to some challenges faced by families such...
    The lessons examine the practical and spiritual requirements for those in Christian leadership. Being a leader is so much more than standing up in front of a group of people asking them to follow you! To be a great leader, one must maintain high stan...
    This module examines a number of Christian character traits that are necessary for developing servant leadership. A Christian leader must take character development seriously, because discipleship requires that we grow in Christ-like character.
    This module explores the Biblical foundations of forgiveness, the process required for reconciliation, and how to promote living at peace with one another. It also examines forgiveness as it may be required between individuals or members of a communi...
    This series of lessons examines some doctrines which are foundational to our faith, with an emphasis on where error is often made and how that can affect true faith. Doctrine is the set of beliefs we have that forms how we practice our faith. It is c...
    This module looks at specific topics in pastoral basics, meant for untrained leaders who serving as a pastor in a local church, church groups who are seeking out a pastor, or those pursing a pastoral role. We look at the many roles a pastor may have...